Running server regression tests requires some manual system preparation. Two dedicated user accounts and a group must be created. Password login for these users should be disabled. $ doas groupadd gotsh $ doas useradd -m -G gotsh got $ doas useradd -m -G gotsh gotdev The above user and group names correspond to defaults used by the test suite. If needed, the defaults can be overridden on by passing values for the following variables to make(1): GOTD_USER, GOTD_DEVUSER, GOTD_GROUP An SSH key must be added to ~gotdev/.ssh/authorized_keys, such that the following command succeeds non-interactively: $ ssh gotdev@ The login shell of the gotdev user should be set to gotsh(1). It is recommended to run the test suite using a locally built gotsh binary, rather than /usr/local/bin/gotsh (which might be using messages in an out-of-date format on the gotd socket). For this to work, $HOME/bin/gotsh must be added to /etc/shells first. $ doas usermod -s $HOME/bin/gotsh gotdev If adding this file to /etc/shells is a problem, a locally built gotsh binary can be made available in the command search path of the gotdev user under the names git-receive-pack and git-upload-pack. When made available in a non-standard PATH directory such as ~gotdev/bin, the gotdev user's PATH must be set appropriately in sshd_config (see below). By default, tests will run the gotd binary found in ~/bin. If sources were unpacked from a Got release tarball then tests will run /usr/local/bin/gotd by default instead. The test suite creates the corresponding gotd socket in ~gotdev/gotd.sock. To make this work, the GOTD_UNIX_SOCKET variable must be set by sshd when the gotdev user logs in. The following should be added to the file /etc/ssh/sshd_config: Match User gotdev SetEnv GOTD_UNIX_SOCKET=/home/gotdev/gotd.sock # The following line is not needed when gotsh is used as login shell: SetEnv PATH=/home/gotdev/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin DisableForwarding yes PermitTTY no sshd must be restarted for configuration changes to take effect: $ doas rcctl restart sshd The server test suite can now be run from the top-level directory: $ doas pkg_add git # if not already done $ doas make server-regress The suite must be started as root in order to be able to start and stop gotd. The test suite switches to non-root users as appropriate.