/* * Copyright (c) 2021 Stefan Sperling * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "got_compat.h" #include "got_version.h" #include "got_error.h" #include "got_object.h" #include "got_reference.h" #include "got_cancel.h" #include "got_repository.h" #include "got_repository_admin.h" #include "got_gotconfig.h" #include "got_path.h" #include "got_privsep.h" #include "got_opentemp.h" #include "got_worktree.h" #ifndef nitems #define nitems(_a) (sizeof((_a)) / sizeof((_a)[0])) #endif static volatile sig_atomic_t sigint_received; static volatile sig_atomic_t sigpipe_received; static void catch_sigint(int signo) { sigint_received = 1; } static void catch_sigpipe(int signo) { sigpipe_received = 1; } static const struct got_error * check_cancelled(void *arg) { if (sigint_received || sigpipe_received) return got_error(GOT_ERR_CANCELLED); return NULL; } struct gotadmin_cmd { const char *cmd_name; const struct got_error *(*cmd_main)(int, char *[]); void (*cmd_usage)(void); const char *cmd_alias; }; __dead static void usage(int, int); __dead static void usage_init(void); __dead static void usage_info(void); __dead static void usage_pack(void); __dead static void usage_indexpack(void); __dead static void usage_listpack(void); __dead static void usage_cleanup(void); static const struct got_error* cmd_init(int, char *[]); static const struct got_error* cmd_info(int, char *[]); static const struct got_error* cmd_pack(int, char *[]); static const struct got_error* cmd_indexpack(int, char *[]); static const struct got_error* cmd_listpack(int, char *[]); static const struct got_error* cmd_cleanup(int, char *[]); static const struct gotadmin_cmd gotadmin_commands[] = { { "init", cmd_init, usage_init, "" }, { "info", cmd_info, usage_info, "" }, { "pack", cmd_pack, usage_pack, "" }, { "indexpack", cmd_indexpack, usage_indexpack,"ix" }, { "listpack", cmd_listpack, usage_listpack, "ls" }, { "cleanup", cmd_cleanup, usage_cleanup, "cl" }, }; static void list_commands(FILE *fp) { size_t i; fprintf(fp, "commands:"); for (i = 0; i < nitems(gotadmin_commands); i++) { const struct gotadmin_cmd *cmd = &gotadmin_commands[i]; fprintf(fp, " %s", cmd->cmd_name); } fputc('\n', fp); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { const struct gotadmin_cmd *cmd; size_t i; int ch; int hflag = 0, Vflag = 0; static const struct option longopts[] = { { "version", no_argument, NULL, 'V' }, { NULL, 0, NULL, 0 } }; setlocale(LC_CTYPE, ""); while ((ch = getopt_long(argc, argv, "+hV", longopts, NULL)) != -1) { switch (ch) { case 'h': hflag = 1; break; case 'V': Vflag = 1; break; default: usage(hflag, 1); /* NOTREACHED */ } } argc -= optind; argv += optind; optind = 1; optreset = 1; if (Vflag) { got_version_print_str(); return 0; } if (argc <= 0) usage(hflag, hflag ? 0 : 1); signal(SIGINT, catch_sigint); signal(SIGPIPE, catch_sigpipe); for (i = 0; i < nitems(gotadmin_commands); i++) { const struct got_error *error; cmd = &gotadmin_commands[i]; if (strcmp(cmd->cmd_name, argv[0]) != 0 && strcmp(cmd->cmd_alias, argv[0]) != 0) continue; if (hflag) cmd->cmd_usage(); error = cmd->cmd_main(argc, argv); if (error && error->code != GOT_ERR_CANCELLED && error->code != GOT_ERR_PRIVSEP_EXIT && !(sigpipe_received && error->code == GOT_ERR_ERRNO && errno == EPIPE) && !(sigint_received && error->code == GOT_ERR_ERRNO && errno == EINTR)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", getprogname(), error->msg); return 1; } return 0; } fprintf(stderr, "%s: unknown command '%s'\n", getprogname(), argv[0]); list_commands(stderr); return 1; } __dead static void usage(int hflag, int status) { FILE *fp = (status == 0) ? stdout : stderr; fprintf(fp, "usage: %s [-h] [-V | --version] command [arg ...]\n", getprogname()); if (hflag) list_commands(fp); exit(status); } static const struct got_error * apply_unveil(const char *repo_path, int repo_read_only) { const struct got_error *err; #ifdef PROFILE if (unveil("gmon.out", "rwc") != 0) return got_error_from_errno2("unveil", "gmon.out"); #endif if (repo_path && unveil(repo_path, repo_read_only ? "r" : "rwc") != 0) return got_error_from_errno2("unveil", repo_path); if (unveil(GOT_TMPDIR_STR, "rwc") != 0) return got_error_from_errno2("unveil", GOT_TMPDIR_STR); err = got_privsep_unveil_exec_helpers(); if (err != NULL) return err; if (unveil(NULL, NULL) != 0) return got_error_from_errno("unveil"); return NULL; } __dead static void usage_info(void) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s info [-r repository-path]\n", getprogname()); exit(1); } static const struct got_error * get_repo_path(char **repo_path) { const struct got_error *err = NULL; struct got_worktree *worktree = NULL; char *cwd; *repo_path = NULL; cwd = getcwd(NULL, 0); if (cwd == NULL) return got_error_from_errno("getcwd"); err = got_worktree_open(&worktree, cwd); if (err) { if (err->code != GOT_ERR_NOT_WORKTREE) goto done; err = NULL; } if (worktree) *repo_path = strdup(got_worktree_get_repo_path(worktree)); else *repo_path = strdup(cwd); if (*repo_path == NULL) err = got_error_from_errno("strdup"); done: if (worktree) got_worktree_close(worktree); free(cwd); return err; } __dead static void usage_init(void) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s init [-b branch] repository-path\n", getprogname()); exit(1); } static const struct got_error * cmd_init(int argc, char *argv[]) { const struct got_error *error = NULL; const char *head_name = NULL; char *repo_path = NULL; int ch; while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "b:")) != -1) { switch (ch) { case 'b': head_name = optarg; break; default: usage_init(); /* NOTREACHED */ } } argc -= optind; argv += optind; #ifndef PROFILE if (pledge("stdio rpath wpath cpath unveil", NULL) == -1) err(1, "pledge"); #endif if (argc != 1) usage_init(); repo_path = strdup(argv[0]); if (repo_path == NULL) return got_error_from_errno("strdup"); got_path_strip_trailing_slashes(repo_path); error = got_path_mkdir(repo_path); if (error && !(error->code == GOT_ERR_ERRNO && errno == EEXIST)) goto done; error = apply_unveil(repo_path, 0); if (error) goto done; error = got_repo_init(repo_path, head_name); done: free(repo_path); return error; } static const struct got_error * cmd_info(int argc, char *argv[]) { const struct got_error *error = NULL; char *repo_path = NULL; struct got_repository *repo = NULL; const struct got_gotconfig *gotconfig = NULL; int ch, npackfiles, npackedobj, nobj; off_t packsize, loose_size; char scaled[FMT_SCALED_STRSIZE]; int *pack_fds = NULL; while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "r:")) != -1) { switch (ch) { case 'r': repo_path = realpath(optarg, NULL); if (repo_path == NULL) return got_error_from_errno2("realpath", optarg); got_path_strip_trailing_slashes(repo_path); break; default: usage_info(); /* NOTREACHED */ } } argc -= optind; argv += optind; #ifndef PROFILE if (pledge("stdio rpath wpath cpath flock proc exec sendfd unveil", NULL) == -1) err(1, "pledge"); #endif if (repo_path == NULL) { error = get_repo_path(&repo_path); if (error) goto done; } error = got_repo_pack_fds_open(&pack_fds); if (error != NULL) goto done; error = got_repo_open(&repo, repo_path, NULL, pack_fds); if (error) goto done; #ifndef PROFILE /* Remove "cpath" promise. */ if (pledge("stdio rpath wpath flock proc exec sendfd unveil", NULL) == -1) err(1, "pledge"); #endif error = apply_unveil(got_repo_get_path_git_dir(repo), 1); if (error) goto done; printf("repository: %s\n", got_repo_get_path_git_dir(repo)); gotconfig = got_repo_get_gotconfig(repo); if (gotconfig) { const struct got_remote_repo *remotes; int i, nremotes; if (got_gotconfig_get_author(gotconfig)) { printf("default author: %s\n", got_gotconfig_get_author(gotconfig)); } got_gotconfig_get_remotes(&nremotes, &remotes, gotconfig); for (i = 0; i < nremotes; i++) { const char *fetch_url = remotes[i].fetch_url; const char *send_url = remotes[i].send_url; if (strcmp(fetch_url, send_url) == 0) { printf("remote \"%s\": %s\n", remotes[i].name, remotes[i].fetch_url); } else { printf("remote \"%s\" (fetch): %s\n", remotes[i].name, remotes[i].fetch_url); printf("remote \"%s\" (send): %s\n", remotes[i].name, remotes[i].send_url); } } } error = got_repo_get_packfile_info(&npackfiles, &npackedobj, &packsize, repo); if (error) goto done; printf("pack files: %d\n", npackfiles); if (npackfiles > 0) { if (fmt_scaled(packsize, scaled) == -1) { error = got_error_from_errno("fmt_scaled"); goto done; } printf("packed objects: %d\n", npackedobj); printf("packed total size: %s\n", scaled); } error = got_repo_get_loose_object_info(&nobj, &loose_size, repo); if (error) goto done; printf("loose objects: %d\n", nobj); if (nobj > 0) { if (fmt_scaled(loose_size, scaled) == -1) { error = got_error_from_errno("fmt_scaled"); goto done; } printf("loose total size: %s\n", scaled); } done: if (repo) got_repo_close(repo); if (pack_fds) { const struct got_error *pack_err = got_repo_pack_fds_close(pack_fds); if (error == NULL) error = pack_err; } free(repo_path); return error; } __dead static void usage_pack(void) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s pack [-aq] [-r repository-path] " "[-x reference] [reference ...]\n", getprogname()); exit(1); } struct got_pack_progress_arg { char last_scaled_size[FMT_SCALED_STRSIZE]; int last_ncolored; int last_nfound; int last_ntrees; int loading_done; int last_ncommits; int last_nobj_total; int last_p_deltify; int last_p_written; int last_p_indexed; int last_p_resolved; int verbosity; int printed_something; }; static void print_load_info(int print_colored, int print_found, int print_trees, int ncolored, int nfound, int ntrees) { if (print_colored) { printf("%d commit%s colored", ncolored, ncolored == 1 ? "" : "s"); } if (print_found) { printf("%s%d object%s found", ncolored > 0 ? "; " : "", nfound, nfound == 1 ? "" : "s"); } if (print_trees) { printf("; %d tree%s scanned", ntrees, ntrees == 1 ? "" : "s"); } } static const struct got_error * pack_progress(void *arg, int ncolored, int nfound, int ntrees, off_t packfile_size, int ncommits, int nobj_total, int nobj_deltify, int nobj_written) { struct got_pack_progress_arg *a = arg; char scaled_size[FMT_SCALED_STRSIZE]; int p_deltify, p_written; int print_colored = 0, print_found = 0, print_trees = 0; int print_searching = 0, print_total = 0; int print_deltify = 0, print_written = 0; if (a->verbosity < 0) return NULL; if (a->last_ncolored != ncolored) { print_colored = 1; a->last_ncolored = ncolored; } if (a->last_nfound != nfound) { print_colored = 1; print_found = 1; a->last_nfound = nfound; } if (a->last_ntrees != ntrees) { print_colored = 1; print_found = 1; print_trees = 1; a->last_ntrees = ntrees; } if ((print_colored || print_found || print_trees) && !a->loading_done) { printf("\r"); print_load_info(print_colored, print_found, print_trees, ncolored, nfound, ntrees); a->printed_something = 1; fflush(stdout); return NULL; } else if (!a->loading_done) { printf("\r"); print_load_info(1, 1, 1, ncolored, nfound, ntrees); printf("\n"); a->loading_done = 1; } if (fmt_scaled(packfile_size, scaled_size) == -1) return got_error_from_errno("fmt_scaled"); if (a->last_ncommits != ncommits) { print_searching = 1; a->last_ncommits = ncommits; } if (a->last_nobj_total != nobj_total) { print_searching = 1; print_total = 1; a->last_nobj_total = nobj_total; } if (packfile_size > 0 && (a->last_scaled_size[0] == '\0' || strcmp(scaled_size, a->last_scaled_size)) != 0) { if (strlcpy(a->last_scaled_size, scaled_size, FMT_SCALED_STRSIZE) >= FMT_SCALED_STRSIZE) return got_error(GOT_ERR_NO_SPACE); } if (nobj_deltify > 0 || nobj_written > 0) { if (nobj_deltify > 0) { p_deltify = (nobj_deltify * 100) / nobj_total; if (p_deltify != a->last_p_deltify) { a->last_p_deltify = p_deltify; print_searching = 1; print_total = 1; print_deltify = 1; } } if (nobj_written > 0) { p_written = (nobj_written * 100) / nobj_total; if (p_written != a->last_p_written) { a->last_p_written = p_written; print_searching = 1; print_total = 1; print_deltify = 1; print_written = 1; } } } if (print_searching || print_total || print_deltify || print_written) printf("\r"); if (print_searching) printf("packing %d reference%s", ncommits, ncommits == 1 ? "" : "s"); if (print_total) printf("; %d object%s", nobj_total, nobj_total == 1 ? "" : "s"); if (print_deltify) printf("; deltify: %d%%", p_deltify); if (print_written) printf("; writing pack: %*s %d%%", FMT_SCALED_STRSIZE - 2, scaled_size, p_written); if (print_searching || print_total || print_deltify || print_written) { a->printed_something = 1; fflush(stdout); } return NULL; } static const struct got_error * pack_index_progress(void *arg, off_t packfile_size, int nobj_total, int nobj_indexed, int nobj_loose, int nobj_resolved) { struct got_pack_progress_arg *a = arg; char scaled_size[FMT_SCALED_STRSIZE]; int p_indexed, p_resolved; int print_size = 0, print_indexed = 0, print_resolved = 0; if (a->verbosity < 0) return NULL; if (packfile_size > 0 || nobj_indexed > 0) { if (fmt_scaled(packfile_size, scaled_size) == 0 && (a->last_scaled_size[0] == '\0' || strcmp(scaled_size, a->last_scaled_size)) != 0) { print_size = 1; if (strlcpy(a->last_scaled_size, scaled_size, FMT_SCALED_STRSIZE) >= FMT_SCALED_STRSIZE) return got_error(GOT_ERR_NO_SPACE); } if (nobj_indexed > 0) { p_indexed = (nobj_indexed * 100) / nobj_total; if (p_indexed != a->last_p_indexed) { a->last_p_indexed = p_indexed; print_indexed = 1; print_size = 1; } } if (nobj_resolved > 0) { p_resolved = (nobj_resolved * 100) / (nobj_total - nobj_loose); if (p_resolved != a->last_p_resolved) { a->last_p_resolved = p_resolved; print_resolved = 1; print_indexed = 1; print_size = 1; } } } if (print_size || print_indexed || print_resolved) printf("\r"); if (print_size) printf("%*s packed", FMT_SCALED_STRSIZE - 2, scaled_size); if (print_indexed) printf("; indexing %d%%", p_indexed); if (print_resolved) printf("; resolving deltas %d%%", p_resolved); if (print_size || print_indexed || print_resolved) fflush(stdout); return NULL; } static const struct got_error * add_ref(struct got_reflist_entry **new, struct got_reflist_head *refs, const char *refname, struct got_repository *repo) { const struct got_error *err; struct got_reference *ref; *new = NULL; err = got_ref_open(&ref, repo, refname, 0); if (err) { if (err->code != GOT_ERR_NOT_REF) return err; /* Treat argument as a reference prefix. */ err = got_ref_list(refs, repo, refname, got_ref_cmp_by_name, NULL); } else { err = got_reflist_insert(new, refs, ref, got_ref_cmp_by_name, NULL); if (err || *new == NULL /* duplicate */) got_ref_close(ref); } return err; } static const struct got_error * cmd_pack(int argc, char *argv[]) { const struct got_error *error = NULL; char *repo_path = NULL; struct got_repository *repo = NULL; int ch, i, loose_obj_only = 1, verbosity = 0; struct got_object_id *pack_hash = NULL; char *id_str = NULL; struct got_pack_progress_arg ppa; FILE *packfile = NULL; struct got_pathlist_head exclude_args; struct got_pathlist_entry *pe; struct got_reflist_head exclude_refs; struct got_reflist_head include_refs; struct got_reflist_entry *re, *new; int *pack_fds = NULL; TAILQ_INIT(&exclude_args); TAILQ_INIT(&exclude_refs); TAILQ_INIT(&include_refs); while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "ar:x:q")) != -1) { switch (ch) { case 'a': loose_obj_only = 0; break; case 'r': repo_path = realpath(optarg, NULL); if (repo_path == NULL) return got_error_from_errno2("realpath", optarg); got_path_strip_trailing_slashes(repo_path); break; case 'x': got_path_strip_trailing_slashes(optarg); error = got_pathlist_append(&exclude_args, optarg, NULL); if (error) return error; break; case 'q': verbosity = -1; break; default: usage_pack(); /* NOTREACHED */ } } argc -= optind; argv += optind; #ifndef PROFILE if (pledge("stdio rpath wpath cpath fattr flock proc exec sendfd unveil", NULL) == -1) err(1, "pledge"); #endif if (repo_path == NULL) { error = get_repo_path(&repo_path); if (error) goto done; } error = got_repo_pack_fds_open(&pack_fds); if (error != NULL) goto done; error = got_repo_open(&repo, repo_path, NULL, pack_fds); if (error) goto done; error = apply_unveil(got_repo_get_path_git_dir(repo), 0); if (error) goto done; TAILQ_FOREACH(pe, &exclude_args, entry) { const char *refname = pe->path; error = add_ref(&new, &exclude_refs, refname, repo); if (error) goto done; } if (argc == 0) { error = got_ref_list(&include_refs, repo, "", got_ref_cmp_by_name, NULL); if (error) goto done; } else { for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) { const char *refname; got_path_strip_trailing_slashes(argv[i]); refname = argv[i]; error = add_ref(&new, &include_refs, refname, repo); if (error) goto done; } } /* Ignore references in the refs/got/ namespace. */ TAILQ_FOREACH_SAFE(re, &include_refs, entry, new) { const char *refname = got_ref_get_name(re->ref); if (strncmp("refs/got/", refname, 9) != 0) continue; TAILQ_REMOVE(&include_refs, re, entry); got_ref_close(re->ref); free(re); } memset(&ppa, 0, sizeof(ppa)); ppa.last_scaled_size[0] = '\0'; ppa.last_p_indexed = -1; ppa.last_p_resolved = -1; ppa.verbosity = verbosity; error = got_repo_pack_objects(&packfile, &pack_hash, &include_refs, &exclude_refs, repo, loose_obj_only, pack_progress, &ppa, check_cancelled, NULL); if (error) { if (ppa.printed_something) printf("\n"); goto done; } error = got_object_id_str(&id_str, pack_hash); if (error) goto done; if (verbosity >= 0) printf("\nWrote %s.pack\n", id_str); error = got_repo_index_pack(packfile, pack_hash, repo, pack_index_progress, &ppa, check_cancelled, NULL); if (error) goto done; if (verbosity >= 0) printf("\nIndexed %s.pack\n", id_str); done: if (repo) got_repo_close(repo); if (pack_fds) { const struct got_error *pack_err = got_repo_pack_fds_close(pack_fds); if (error == NULL) error = pack_err; } got_pathlist_free(&exclude_args); got_ref_list_free(&exclude_refs); got_ref_list_free(&include_refs); free(id_str); free(pack_hash); free(repo_path); return error; } __dead static void usage_indexpack(void) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s indexpack packfile-path\n", getprogname()); exit(1); } static const struct got_error * cmd_indexpack(int argc, char *argv[]) { const struct got_error *error = NULL; struct got_repository *repo = NULL; int ch; struct got_object_id *pack_hash = NULL; char *packfile_path = NULL; char *id_str = NULL; struct got_pack_progress_arg ppa; FILE *packfile = NULL; int *pack_fds = NULL; while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "")) != -1) { switch (ch) { default: usage_indexpack(); /* NOTREACHED */ } } argc -= optind; argv += optind; if (argc != 1) usage_indexpack(); packfile_path = realpath(argv[0], NULL); if (packfile_path == NULL) return got_error_from_errno2("realpath", argv[0]); #ifndef PROFILE if (pledge("stdio rpath wpath cpath fattr flock proc exec sendfd unveil", NULL) == -1) err(1, "pledge"); #endif error = got_repo_pack_fds_open(&pack_fds); if (error != NULL) goto done; error = got_repo_open(&repo, packfile_path, NULL, pack_fds); if (error) goto done; error = apply_unveil(got_repo_get_path_git_dir(repo), 0); if (error) goto done; memset(&ppa, 0, sizeof(ppa)); ppa.last_scaled_size[0] = '\0'; ppa.last_p_indexed = -1; ppa.last_p_resolved = -1; error = got_repo_find_pack(&packfile, &pack_hash, repo, packfile_path); if (error) goto done; error = got_object_id_str(&id_str, pack_hash); if (error) goto done; error = got_repo_index_pack(packfile, pack_hash, repo, pack_index_progress, &ppa, check_cancelled, NULL); if (error) goto done; printf("\nIndexed %s.pack\n", id_str); done: if (repo) got_repo_close(repo); if (pack_fds) { const struct got_error *pack_err = got_repo_pack_fds_close(pack_fds); if (error == NULL) error = pack_err; } free(id_str); free(pack_hash); return error; } __dead static void usage_listpack(void) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s listpack [-hs] packfile-path\n", getprogname()); exit(1); } struct gotadmin_list_pack_cb_args { int nblobs; int ntrees; int ncommits; int ntags; int noffdeltas; int nrefdeltas; int human_readable; }; static const struct got_error * list_pack_cb(void *arg, struct got_object_id *id, int type, off_t offset, off_t size, off_t base_offset, struct got_object_id *base_id) { const struct got_error *err; struct gotadmin_list_pack_cb_args *a = arg; char *id_str, *delta_str = NULL, *base_id_str = NULL; const char *type_str; err = got_object_id_str(&id_str, id); if (err) return err; switch (type) { case GOT_OBJ_TYPE_BLOB: type_str = GOT_OBJ_LABEL_BLOB; a->nblobs++; break; case GOT_OBJ_TYPE_TREE: type_str = GOT_OBJ_LABEL_TREE; a->ntrees++; break; case GOT_OBJ_TYPE_COMMIT: type_str = GOT_OBJ_LABEL_COMMIT; a->ncommits++; break; case GOT_OBJ_TYPE_TAG: type_str = GOT_OBJ_LABEL_TAG; a->ntags++; break; case GOT_OBJ_TYPE_OFFSET_DELTA: type_str = "offset-delta"; if (asprintf(&delta_str, " base-offset %lld", (long long)base_offset) == -1) { err = got_error_from_errno("asprintf"); goto done; } a->noffdeltas++; break; case GOT_OBJ_TYPE_REF_DELTA: type_str = "ref-delta"; err = got_object_id_str(&base_id_str, base_id); if (err) goto done; if (asprintf(&delta_str, " base-id %s", base_id_str) == -1) { err = got_error_from_errno("asprintf"); goto done; } a->nrefdeltas++; break; default: err = got_error(GOT_ERR_OBJ_TYPE); goto done; } if (a->human_readable) { char scaled[FMT_SCALED_STRSIZE]; char *s;; if (fmt_scaled(size, scaled) == -1) { err = got_error_from_errno("fmt_scaled"); goto done; } s = scaled; while (isspace((unsigned char)*s)) s++; printf("%s %s at %lld size %s%s\n", id_str, type_str, (long long)offset, s, delta_str ? delta_str : ""); } else { printf("%s %s at %lld size %lld%s\n", id_str, type_str, (long long)offset, (long long)size, delta_str ? delta_str : ""); } done: free(id_str); free(base_id_str); free(delta_str); return err; } static const struct got_error * cmd_listpack(int argc, char *argv[]) { const struct got_error *error = NULL; struct got_repository *repo = NULL; int ch; struct got_object_id *pack_hash = NULL; char *packfile_path = NULL; char *id_str = NULL; struct gotadmin_list_pack_cb_args lpa; FILE *packfile = NULL; int show_stats = 0, human_readable = 0; int *pack_fds = NULL; while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "hs")) != -1) { switch (ch) { case 'h': human_readable = 1; break; case 's': show_stats = 1; break; default: usage_listpack(); /* NOTREACHED */ } } argc -= optind; argv += optind; if (argc != 1) usage_listpack(); packfile_path = realpath(argv[0], NULL); if (packfile_path == NULL) return got_error_from_errno2("realpath", argv[0]); #ifndef PROFILE if (pledge("stdio rpath wpath cpath flock proc exec sendfd unveil", NULL) == -1) err(1, "pledge"); #endif error = got_repo_pack_fds_open(&pack_fds); if (error != NULL) goto done; error = got_repo_open(&repo, packfile_path, NULL, pack_fds); if (error) goto done; #ifndef PROFILE /* Remove "cpath" promise. */ if (pledge("stdio rpath wpath flock proc exec sendfd unveil", NULL) == -1) err(1, "pledge"); #endif error = apply_unveil(got_repo_get_path_git_dir(repo), 1); if (error) goto done; error = got_repo_find_pack(&packfile, &pack_hash, repo, packfile_path); if (error) goto done; error = got_object_id_str(&id_str, pack_hash); if (error) goto done; memset(&lpa, 0, sizeof(lpa)); lpa.human_readable = human_readable; error = got_repo_list_pack(packfile, pack_hash, repo, list_pack_cb, &lpa, check_cancelled, NULL); if (error) goto done; if (show_stats) { printf("objects: %d\n blobs: %d\n trees: %d\n commits: %d\n" " tags: %d\n offset-deltas: %d\n ref-deltas: %d\n", lpa.nblobs + lpa.ntrees + lpa.ncommits + lpa.ntags + lpa.noffdeltas + lpa.nrefdeltas, lpa.nblobs, lpa.ntrees, lpa.ncommits, lpa.ntags, lpa.noffdeltas, lpa.nrefdeltas); } done: if (repo) got_repo_close(repo); if (pack_fds) { const struct got_error *pack_err = got_repo_pack_fds_close(pack_fds); if (error == NULL) error = pack_err; } free(id_str); free(pack_hash); free(packfile_path); return error; } __dead static void usage_cleanup(void) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s cleanup [-anpq] [-r repository-path]\n", getprogname()); exit(1); } struct got_cleanup_progress_arg { int last_nloose; int last_ncommits; int last_npurged; int verbosity; int printed_something; int dry_run; }; static const struct got_error * cleanup_progress(void *arg, int nloose, int ncommits, int npurged) { struct got_cleanup_progress_arg *a = arg; int print_loose = 0, print_commits = 0, print_purged = 0; if (a->last_nloose != nloose) { print_loose = 1; a->last_nloose = nloose; } if (a->last_ncommits != ncommits) { print_loose = 1; print_commits = 1; a->last_ncommits = ncommits; } if (a->last_npurged != npurged) { print_loose = 1; print_commits = 1; print_purged = 1; a->last_npurged = npurged; } if (a->verbosity < 0) return NULL; if (print_loose || print_commits || print_purged) printf("\r"); if (print_loose) printf("%d loose object%s", nloose, nloose == 1 ? "" : "s"); if (print_commits) printf("; %d commit%s scanned", ncommits, ncommits == 1 ? "" : "s"); if (print_purged) { if (a->dry_run) { printf("; %d object%s could be purged", npurged, npurged == 1 ? "" : "s"); } else { printf("; %d object%s purged", npurged, npurged == 1 ? "" : "s"); } } if (print_loose || print_commits || print_purged) { a->printed_something = 1; fflush(stdout); } return NULL; } struct got_lonely_packidx_progress_arg { int verbosity; int printed_something; int dry_run; }; static const struct got_error * lonely_packidx_progress(void *arg, const char *path) { struct got_lonely_packidx_progress_arg *a = arg; if (a->verbosity < 0) return NULL; if (a->dry_run) printf("%s could be removed\n", path); else printf("%s removed\n", path); a->printed_something = 1; return NULL; } static const struct got_error * cmd_cleanup(int argc, char *argv[]) { const struct got_error *error = NULL; char *repo_path = NULL; struct got_repository *repo = NULL; int ch, dry_run = 0, npacked = 0, verbosity = 0; int remove_lonely_packidx = 0, ignore_mtime = 0; struct got_cleanup_progress_arg cpa; struct got_lonely_packidx_progress_arg lpa; off_t size_before, size_after; char scaled_before[FMT_SCALED_STRSIZE]; char scaled_after[FMT_SCALED_STRSIZE]; char scaled_diff[FMT_SCALED_STRSIZE]; char **extensions; int nextensions, i; int *pack_fds = NULL; while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "apr:nq")) != -1) { switch (ch) { case 'a': ignore_mtime = 1; break; case 'p': remove_lonely_packidx = 1; break; case 'r': repo_path = realpath(optarg, NULL); if (repo_path == NULL) return got_error_from_errno2("realpath", optarg); got_path_strip_trailing_slashes(repo_path); break; case 'n': dry_run = 1; break; case 'q': verbosity = -1; break; default: usage_cleanup(); /* NOTREACHED */ } } argc -= optind; argv += optind; #ifndef PROFILE if (pledge("stdio rpath wpath cpath flock proc exec sendfd unveil", NULL) == -1) err(1, "pledge"); #endif if (repo_path == NULL) { error = get_repo_path(&repo_path); if (error) goto done; } error = got_repo_pack_fds_open(&pack_fds); if (error != NULL) goto done; error = got_repo_open(&repo, repo_path, NULL, pack_fds); if (error) goto done; error = apply_unveil(got_repo_get_path_git_dir(repo), 0); if (error) goto done; got_repo_get_gitconfig_extensions(&extensions, &nextensions, repo); for (i = 0; i < nextensions; i++) { if (strcasecmp(extensions[i], "preciousObjects") == 0) { error = got_error_msg(GOT_ERR_GIT_REPO_EXT, "the preciousObjects Git extension is enabled; " "this implies that objects must not be deleted"); goto done; } } if (remove_lonely_packidx) { memset(&lpa, 0, sizeof(lpa)); lpa.dry_run = dry_run; lpa.verbosity = verbosity; error = got_repo_remove_lonely_packidx(repo, dry_run, lonely_packidx_progress, &lpa, check_cancelled, NULL); goto done; } memset(&cpa, 0, sizeof(cpa)); cpa.last_ncommits = -1; cpa.last_npurged = -1; cpa.dry_run = dry_run; cpa.verbosity = verbosity; error = got_repo_purge_unreferenced_loose_objects(repo, &size_before, &size_after, &npacked, dry_run, ignore_mtime, cleanup_progress, &cpa, check_cancelled, NULL); if (cpa.printed_something) printf("\n"); if (error) goto done; if (cpa.printed_something) { if (fmt_scaled(size_before, scaled_before) == -1) { error = got_error_from_errno("fmt_scaled"); goto done; } if (fmt_scaled(size_after, scaled_after) == -1) { error = got_error_from_errno("fmt_scaled"); goto done; } if (fmt_scaled(size_before - size_after, scaled_diff) == -1) { error = got_error_from_errno("fmt_scaled"); goto done; } printf("loose total size before: %s\n", scaled_before); printf("loose total size after: %s\n", scaled_after); if (dry_run) { printf("disk space which would be freed: %s\n", scaled_diff); } else printf("disk space freed: %s\n", scaled_diff); printf("loose objects also found in pack files: %d\n", npacked); } done: if (repo) got_repo_close(repo); if (pack_fds) { const struct got_error *pack_err = got_repo_pack_fds_close(pack_fds); if (error == NULL) error = pack_err; } free(repo_path); return error; }