
Add HISTORY section

Implement -u and -U

Move definitions of local functions to C file

Thanks include-what-you-use

Define variables before functions

Reduce differences with <sys/queue.h>

Remove __linux__ shim


Kill unused variables

Fix DEBUG printf()

Make comments fit in 80 columns


Keep all output code in one place


Merge diff_output.h into diff_main.h

Reduce typedef usage by making ARRAYLIST similar to BSD <sys/queue.h>

The LICENCE is included in every file, no need for another copy. While here add $OpenBSD$ markers and put the definition after the actual licence header, for coherence.

Simplify Makefile

Move all sources to a single place

patience: reduce sections by swallowing identical lines before LCS

move struct range defs to diff_main.h (prep for upcoming patch)

lib/linux_Makefile: -O3

debug: dump at most 42 lines

debug: dont dump too large myers graphs

dont escape tabs in text output