
portable: release 0.108

fix a typo in CHANGES

sync manual pages

publish got 0.108

portable: release 0.107

sync manual pages

publish got 0.107

portable: add release tarball Accidentally missed this from the previous 0.106 release commit.

portable: update version number

portable: release 0.106

expand acronym on changes.html

fix 0.106 release date on index page

fix typo in changes.html

sync CHANGES file

sync html change log

sync manual pages

publish got 0.106

fix typo in html change log

sync html change log

portable: release 0.105

sync manual pages

publish got 0.105

automatically generate an HTML version of CHANGES with some feedback off-list and 'please go ahead' stsp@

update licence file in releases directory

portable: release 0.104