Commit Diff

commit - 936239010f884c916c0f8680490fea91813b5334
commit + 914bfd3ddbdf1adc0adf828c7531b8174b6b2010
blob - a83c9622d1b9c26800dad3d240170b2a0e2798c6
blob + 108cbb93e5ac5409668ac95f07850296d69a9b9c
--- regress/gotd/
+++ regress/gotd/
@@ -338,7 +338,98 @@ test_many_commits_summarized() {
 	done >> $testroot/stdout.expected
 	echo "]}" >> $testroot/stdout.expected
+	ed -s "$testroot/stdout.expected" <<-EOF
+	,j
+	w
+	cmp -s $testroot/stdout.expected $testroot/stdout
+	ret=$?
+	if [ $ret -ne 0 ]; then
+		diff -u $testroot/stdout.expected $testroot/stdout
+		test_done "$testroot" "$ret"
+		return 1
+	fi
+	test_done "$testroot" "$ret"
+test_branch_created() {
+	local testroot=`test_init branch_created 1`
+	got clone -a -q ${GOTD_TEST_REPO_URL} $testroot/repo-clone
+	ret=$?
+	if [ $ret -ne 0 ]; then
+		echo "got clone failed unexpectedly" >&2
+		test_done "$testroot" 1
+		return 1
+	fi
+	got checkout -q $testroot/repo-clone $testroot/wt >/dev/null
+	ret=$?
+	if [ $ret -ne 0 ]; then
+		echo "got checkout failed unexpectedly" >&2
+		test_done "$testroot" 1
+		return 1
+	fi
+	(cd $testroot/wt && got branch newbranch > /dev/null)
+	echo "change alpha on branch" > $testroot/wt/alpha
+	(cd $testroot/wt && got commit -m 'newbranch' > /dev/null)
+	local commit_id=`git_show_branch_head $testroot/repo-clone newbranch`
+	local author_time=`git_show_author_time $testroot/repo-clone $commit_id`
+	timeout 5 ./http-server -p "$GOTD_TEST_HTTP_PORT" \
+	    > $testroot/stdout &
+	got send -b newbranch -q -r $testroot/repo-clone
+	ret=$?
+	if [ $ret -ne 0 ]; then
+		echo "got send failed unexpectedly" >&2
+		test_done "$testroot" "1"
+		return 1
+	fi
+	wait %1 # wait for the http "server"
+	d=`date -u -r $author_time +"%a %b %e %X %Y UTC"`
+	# in the future it should contain something like this too
+	# {
+	# 	"type":"new-branch",
+	# 	"user":"${GOTD_DEVUSER}",
+	# 	"ref":"refs/heads/newbranch"
+	# },
+	touch "$testroot/stdout.expected"
 	ed -s "$testroot/stdout.expected" <<-EOF
+	a
+	{"notifications":[
+	{
+		"type":"commit",
+		"short":false,
+		"id":"$commit_id",
+		"author":{
+			"full":"$GOT_AUTHOR",
+			"name":"$GIT_AUTHOR_NAME",
+			"mail":"$GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL",
+			"user":"$GOT_AUTHOR_11"
+		},
+		"committer":{
+			"full":"$GOT_AUTHOR",
+			"name":"$GIT_AUTHOR_NAME",
+			"mail":"$GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL",
+			"user":"$GOT_AUTHOR_11"
+		},
+		"date":"$d",
+		"short_message":"newbranch",
+		"message":"newbranch\n",
+		"diffstat":{},
+		"changes":{}
+	}
+	]}
+	.
@@ -359,3 +450,4 @@ run_test test_file_changed
 run_test test_bad_utf8
 run_test test_many_commits_not_summarized
 run_test test_many_commits_summarized
+run_test test_branch_created