
fix message passing to notifier

request notification content from repo_write one at a time

rename function

queue notification info without an open file

WIP: generate notification content in repo_write

prepare session process for receiving notification content from repo_write

connect session and notifier via a dedicated pipe and fix proc wiring

fix crash

session-write process needs repo config now

fix notify process title

fix segfault on startup in notify process

make -N option pass getopt checks

fix missing token in parse.y

provide entire repo config to session process; send NOTIFY imsg

fix gitwrapper build

pass notification config to session process

run email notification helper

add send_notifications stub; need to pass repo list to session_main() for config

start notifier and handle events for it

the notify process will need to know our notification config, too

indicate timezone in Date header

don't bother with address verification at this layer

fix expected bye response

fix connection

fix invalid pledge promise